Right Shell For Your Crab

A World For Super E

Right Shell For Your Crab

January 8, 2019 Ecommerce 0

Shells are of many shapes and sizes, according to these factors shells are used for various purposes. However, some shells are helpful for the safety of other sea creators such as hermit crabs use shells for their habitat and protect their soft skin part within the hard shells of a snail. They are very choosy in this matter because they have to live in that shell until they find a better option to move on, so it very important to have a shell which is right for their size. Most of the people around the world, keep crabs and many other living creatures at home as a pet. If you have a crab at home, make sure to find the right shell for them according to their size and shape.




Choosing the right size


Shells are mostly used for art or craft purposes but snail shells are also used to provide your crab a new home. While selecting the size of the shell, consider the opening which will be good for the crab size. Crabs are of different sizes such as if you have small crab than the opening of 1/2” is a good option, if he is of medium size opening of 1” is a right choice and similarly, if your crab is of bigger size than up to 3” openings are used. The size must be one size bigger than the crab to let them comfortably adjust in it. Different shapes of the shells such as round, oval, D shape etc. are used for this purpose and vigilant to choose the right shape for your crab after considering the current shape of the shell.


You cannot be sure about the size until or unless you place the shell next to your crab which gives the right idea about the size that will be more accurate for her. Buy hermit crab shells online is more tricky but if you are sure about the size in inches than It will be a good experience to find variety of shells online whereas if you are not sure about the size then order two different sizes which you think that will be the right choice such one that is 1/8 inches bigger and one which is smaller with the similar inches. However which fits the crab; remember it for the next shopping. Other than that you can also find convenient shell pack for the respective size of crab which includes the number of sizes for medium to small crabs. However to find the right size at a store will be difficult if the respective sizes are not mentioned on each shell whereas shells on online store have their size mentioned or if not then you can ask by the supplier before placing an order.